Thursday, June 30, 2011


Jeff took the kids for hamburgers when they were out today.  They saw the dentist for $340 then Zane saw the speech therapist for $200. 

So this afternoon Darla was so intent on going to the fancy italian restaurant with gnocchi.  I told her no way.  We have already spent way too much money today.  She said it isn't fair, I didn't even WANT to go to the stupid dentist!  And she emptied her piggy bank and counted it all then said I have enough for 2 gnocchies.  Can we please go?

We didn't go.  But I know where to take her for her half birthday in a few weeks!

We did go see Jeff play a fun outdoor concert with Patti Austin.  Darla loved it and danced with Zane on the dance floor. 

Summer makes you sweaty!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a worm in my root beer!

We got the huge ice cube trays and are making lots of frozen crafty ice cubes!
Happy Summer

Monday, June 20, 2011


This is the 1st non-sick nap Darla has taken since she was one year old.   Wow.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lawrence Welk theater
northeast LA

Monday, June 13, 2011


yesterday he asked how to snap. 
he practiced.
today, he can snap!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

ok kids

we can go anywhere you want for an after school snack...

Soup Plantation!!!!

ok kids

we can go anywhere you want for an after school snack...

Soup Plantation!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

jog a thon!

Darla and Zane are doing a fund raiser for the PE coach at school.
I'd you would like to sponsor them, please let us know and we'll put you down for a set amount.  OR, you can chose to pay-per-lap.  Could be fun :o)
